Friday 30 March 2012

A Mattress, a Baby and a Loaded Gun: The Sequel

The other week I wrote about how police officers in America raided a house and found a baby sat on a mattress with a gun underneath. Well unfortunately there has been another one.

The incident happened in Chicago when a 5 year old girl was bouncing on a bed that had two mattresses on it when the gun that was hidden between them went off. Sadly the girl was shot in the ankle from the gun going off but is now in good condition. It turns out the gun was registered as stolen but the person who had the gun under the bed turned himself into police and said he found it in an alleyway.

It’s a shame to read about how young children are getting injured because of guns being stored under a mattress. They should be kept in gun cabinets and locked away so that they can’t cause any accidental harm.

I hope there isn’t any more stories like this next time I Google ‘mattress’ or 'memory foam mattresses' stories.