Wednesday 21 September 2011

Memory Foam Mattress: Sleep Advice Part Three

Welcome back to the final instalment of our sleep advice blogs. Throughout the month we have been posting ways people can help to improve their sleeping habits and environment. By now you should know how to get comfortable for sleep; whether it be on a memory foam mattress, under a big thick quilt or thin sheet or wearing a sleeping eye mask. but what else can you do before even getting into bed to help you fall asleep? Our final blog post in our sleep advice postings contains one large point on how to relax before bedtime.

8. Before going to bed, having a relaxing ritual to do that will relax and unwind you and therefore help you get to sleep easier and quicker is a good idea. Here are some ideas of activities to try:

  • Reading anything from a good novel or a trashy magazine can help you relax before trying to sleep and is a good way to help you forget about any stress from the day.
  • A great way to relax both the body and mind is with a nice warm bath.
  • Relax with your favourite hobby such as doing a crossword, playing a game, doing a jigsaw or watching TV. Do an activity that will help you unwind before going upstairs to sleep.
  • If your mind is racing with things to do the next day then make a list of tasks to clear your head.
  • Whilst heavy food a bad idea before going to bed, a light snack can help calm the brain and allow you to sleep better. Good examples include a small bowl of cereal or a light sandwich.
We hope our sleep advice has been helpful and that you are all aware of things you can do if you are struggling with sleep issues, we don't want that new memory foam mattress to be wasted and not slept on after all. If you have any more advice then we'd love to hear it, why not come and send us a Tweet on the Cosy Mattress Twitter.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Getting Disturbed by Your Sleeping Partner?

If you share a bed with someone then you probably know that their sleeping habits and movements can cause you to have a restless night and vice versa.

Is this a familiar situation at night?

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Memory Foam Mattress: Sleep Advice Part Two

We hope you enjoyed part one of our sleep advice posts and that we've helped at least one of you get a good night's sleep where you would have struggled before. In part two we are going to take a look at your bedroom environment and other factors that could be keeping you up at night. Just because you have a really comfy memory foam mattress doesn't mean you will fall straight asleep if your bedroom environment is wrong. Let's continue with number five...

5. A dark room is the perfect sleeping conditions so you have to do what you can to reduce any light. This could be from the street lamp outside your window or the glow from a TV. To combat this there are a number of things you can do such as putting up blackout curtains, wearing an eye mask to block out light or turning off TV's, computers or phones that emit a glow.

6. There is nothing like a sudden noise to jolt you from a good sleep or a constant alarm going off to really ruin your night. External noises such as neighbours or traffic can all have an effect on your ability to sleep well. So what can you do about these external noises? Well try masking them with a fan or soothing sounds such as a relaxation CD. Another example is noisy springs which squeak every time you move during the night. While that ones easy, just invest in a cheap memory foam mattress and do away with springs completely. 

7. Your bedroom temperature can play a huge part in how you sleep, if you're too hot then try using thin linen sheets and if it's too cold you could try a room heater. A memory foam mattress can also help since they help with your body temperature to keep you cool or warm.

Sleep well everyone, more Cosy Mattress tips coming soon.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Memory Foam Mattress: Sleep Advice Part One

There are many reasons for not getting a good night's sleep. It could be anything from an unrestful child keeping you up, an uncomfortable mattress or noises from outside your bedroom window. This is very frustrating and sometimes stressful, especially if you have an important task or date the following day. It's a good job then that Cosy Mattress are here to offer you are top tips on making sure you are doing all you can to have a restful night. We will be posting more tips throughout the month so keep checking back.

1.A comfortable bed and mattress makes all the difference when trying to get to sleep as your body needs to be comfortable to fall asleep. Everyone is different and so has their own view on what is comfortable, for examples using two pillows or a memory foam mattress  If you regularly can't sleep then experiment to find out what helps you fall asleep easily.

2. If you wake up and go to sleep at the same time everyday and have a regular sleep schedule, you will feel more refreshed and energised for the day. You should experiment with different bedtimes to find out how much sleep you need.

3. Don’t have a big dinner just before you are going to go to bed as trying to sleep with a full stomach when can lead to a restful night. Give yourself a good amount of time from finishing your meal and going to bed so that your food is fully digested.

4. If you have a particularly comfy bed or memory foam mattress then it can be very tempting to go and lay down after a busy morning or a big meal. Having a nap though means that you are likely to wake up in the night and will be tossing and turning to get back to sleep. To combat this you should try doing something that is lightly activate which will stop you from napping which means you will sleep better during the night.

We hope these tips and advice help, so sleep well out there and check back soon for part two of Cosy Mattresses sleep tips.