Saturday 3 September 2011

Memory Foam Mattress: Sleep Advice Part One

There are many reasons for not getting a good night's sleep. It could be anything from an unrestful child keeping you up, an uncomfortable mattress or noises from outside your bedroom window. This is very frustrating and sometimes stressful, especially if you have an important task or date the following day. It's a good job then that Cosy Mattress are here to offer you are top tips on making sure you are doing all you can to have a restful night. We will be posting more tips throughout the month so keep checking back.

1.A comfortable bed and mattress makes all the difference when trying to get to sleep as your body needs to be comfortable to fall asleep. Everyone is different and so has their own view on what is comfortable, for examples using two pillows or a memory foam mattress  If you regularly can't sleep then experiment to find out what helps you fall asleep easily.

2. If you wake up and go to sleep at the same time everyday and have a regular sleep schedule, you will feel more refreshed and energised for the day. You should experiment with different bedtimes to find out how much sleep you need.

3. Don’t have a big dinner just before you are going to go to bed as trying to sleep with a full stomach when can lead to a restful night. Give yourself a good amount of time from finishing your meal and going to bed so that your food is fully digested.

4. If you have a particularly comfy bed or memory foam mattress then it can be very tempting to go and lay down after a busy morning or a big meal. Having a nap though means that you are likely to wake up in the night and will be tossing and turning to get back to sleep. To combat this you should try doing something that is lightly activate which will stop you from napping which means you will sleep better during the night.

We hope these tips and advice help, so sleep well out there and check back soon for part two of Cosy Mattresses sleep tips.