Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

After all the planning and preparation for Christmas Day we think you all deserve to rest and enjoy this festive season. Hopefully Santa delivered some lovely presents before he left to enjoy his well earned rest on his memory foam mattress. So....

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" blog readers

Monday 19 December 2011

Different Sleep Patterns

It is essential for every human to sleep but not everyone follows the same sleep pattern. We are going to look at some of the relatively common patterns that some people sleep.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Memory Foam Mattresses Will Make Santa's Job Easier

Santa has a really hard job to do with delivering presents to the good boys and girls all over the world in one night on his trusted reindeer. As parents or grandparents you can make his job easier by making sure the children get off to sleep as soon as possible and this can be done if you use a memory foam mattress. Once the children are tucked up on these mattresses they will fall asleep, even though they will be so excited.

This will allow Santa to either climb down the chimney or through the front door if access to the chimney is not available and allowing him to visit all the other boys and girls easier as he won't be have to worry about waking up the children.

Saturday 3 December 2011

The Memory Foam Mattress Need Attention Too

As Christmas Day fast approaches households are busy preparing the house by either giving it a good 'winter' clean. Such tasks can include hoovering the carpet where the sofa has hidden alot of dust and dirt that is now exposed as the living room has been re-arranged, to sorting and clearing out the cupboards to make way for all that festive food.

Alot of households also prepare for overnight visitors or those staying over Christmas and we of course are not talking about Santa. If you have visitors then make sure the spare room or guest room is ready with either flipping those mattresses, although this is not needed if you have invested in memory foam mattresses for the bedrooms.

As the tree is decorated and presents wrapped, why not think about the other rooms and getting them prepared. If you know guests are coming why not wrap your memory foam mattress with a cover that can not only provide extra comfort but will also protect the memory foam mattress from wear and general use over Christmas and throughout the next year.

You could also think about protecting the sofa, especially if this is not a wipe clean sofa and invest in some throws. If you are planning a party or house full of guests accidents can happen with a dropped glass or party plate and the more the sofa is covered the better the protection.

Plan and prepare for guests and Santa to make sure your Christmas and new year is as relaxed as possible.